What is Syndactyly

What is Syndactyly

author : DR. ABDELRAHMAN Created at : 4 years ago

What is Syndactyly

The adhesion of the fingers or syndactyly (Syndactyly) is a condition caused by a congenital defect occurs during embryonic development (Fetation), so that the fingers can not be separated from each other. The cause may be genetic or otherwise. Men are three times more likely to have this condition than women. Most often, sticking occurs between the third and fourth toes, but more fingers may also stick, sometimes all of them. Sometimes Syndrome is part of the syndrome of the skeleton or other systems. It is usually separated fingers in the generation of the year, as it is in this generation there is a maturation of the best devices for heart and lung, and be possible surgery under anesthesia general (General anesthesia) with minimal complications. In any case, it is correct to end the series of operations before the age of the year.

When sticking more than two fingers, you must first separate the thumb and the fifth finger. This is because the length difference between these fingers and the adjacent fingers is large, and the shorter fingers can delay the development of the longer, adjacent fingers. One finger cannot be separated from its neighbors on both sides at the same time. (That is, when the middle finger is one of three adherent fingers), because this process endangers the finger's blood supply (blood perfusion). In these cases, surgery is performed in two stages.

Characterized by syndactyly sometimes, between the fingers of the cup mount through the soft tissue (Soft tissue) only, and sometimes there are bone bridges between the fingers. After separating the fingers, the area exposed by the operation cannot be closed by suturation, and a skin transplantation that is usually taken from the thigh or lower abdomen must be added .

 In addition to sticking fingers, the fingers usually tend to rotate around their axis. It must be borne in mind that this defect cannot be completely fixed by surgery.

 Even the most successful operation sometimes must be repeated after growth has completed, because the growth process sometimes returns some deformation.

 Another, but not rare, complication is a distortion of the nail bed due to separation.

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