The case involved a near-complete transection at the wrist level of the hand, with the management of injuries to 15 tendons, 3 nerves, and 2 arteries ...
Dislocations of the
carpal bonesAnatomyThe carpal bones are a group of eight, irregularly shaped bones that
make up the wrist; they connect the hand to the forearm. They are organized
into two rows ...
nerve injuries
Your doctor will
review your medical history, ask about any accidents or previous surgeries, and
discuss your symptoms with you. Your doctor will also cond ...
Carpal tunnel syndromeanatomyThe carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel-shaped structure in the wrist. The bottom and sides are made up of the wrist (wrist) bones, and the upper part is covered by a strong ...
Scaphoid fractureThe scaphoid bone is the most fractured bone of the small wrist bone, and it is the bone that needs surgery due to poor blood flow, which leads to ahigh rate of fracture non-healing. ...