Ganglion cysts:It
is the most common hand mass; mucin-filled synovial cyst caused by either
trauma , synovial herniation, or mucoid degeneration. Chance of having a
ganglion cyst increases with the ...
Phalanx FracturesMost
common injuries to the skeletal system. When injured, the whole hand might
become very painful and it may affect its function. It is more common in
men than in wom ...
Dislocations of the
carpal bonesAnatomyThe carpal bones are a group of eight, irregularly shaped bones that
make up the wrist; they connect the hand to the forearm. They are organized
into two rows ...
Hand and Wrist ArthritisDescriptionThere are many small joints in the hand and wrist that work together to produce the fine motion necessary to perform detailed tasks such as threading a needle or tyi ...
Flexor and Extensor Tendon LacerationWHAT IS FLEXOR AND EXTENSOR TENDON LACERATION?The flexor tendons are located on the palm-side of the fingers and attach the flexor muscles to the finger bones, ena ...